Sunday, December 1, 2013

Trial Day

Had a trial a few weekends ago in Zanesville. Got to hang out with Frankie and Ernies' mom. They didn't get to come this time. Guess they were busy helping their dad around their house and stuff. We always enjoy having Frankie and Ernie's family there. They send us good luck and because their mom was there we got another double Q. That makes number 9 (need 20 for my MACH) and we are not up to 225 points (need 750 for my MACH). Slowly chipping away at it. :)

Here is my standard run, perfect and earned 10 MACH points.

and this is my Jumpers run. Mom was hoping you could hear what the AKC representative was saying about dad and I when we were running but you can't hear it. She was talking about what a nice dog I was and what a perfect team dad and I make up. How cool is that?

We also want to give Frankie and Ernie's mom a huge thank you. She bought us this really cool travel bag that goes on the back of your seat in the car. She knows we travel a lot and thought of us. She also gave us some more goodies for the rescue's Weim and Cheese coming up in June.


  1. Great work Sagira! You should invite Frankie and his family to every trial you have.

    Millie & Walter

  2. Congrats Sagira. You will get your MACH in no time. Frankie & Ernie's Mom is the best. We just love all of them here. They played a big role in helping Tuiren get heartworm treatment with the circus.


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