Thursday, January 13, 2011

Bokeh in training

So...we received sad new that our training club didn't have enough puppies join to do a puppy class this time around (just our luck). So...we had to kind of scramble to find Bokeh a new puppy class. We decided to take him to Jenn Crank's place called IncrediPaws. She teaches the Linda Mecklenburg handling system as well. We called and she had classes that started last Thursday. We drove through a huge snow storm to get there. There were only 4 puppies that showed up because of the weather.

Bokeh had so much fun working one on one with dad.


The sheltie puppy was so cute


Here is a video clip of Bokeh in the tunnel for the first time:

They also had him working on the buja board. He jumped right on it and wasn't scared at all. Our instructor told us we have a "fearless puppy".

Lastly then introduced him to the chute as well. They kept everything short, sweet and fun. Bokeh went through 2 whole string cheese sticks. haha


  1. Yay for Bokeh - we see lots and lots of medals and ribbons coming his way. Hope you have room on the shelves for him, Sagira.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  2. Yay Bokeh! He is going to be so smart and well behaved :)

  3. You did great, Bokeh! You're so smart! Good luck in your classes! =)

  4. Impressive! Bokeh is a natural agility star!

  5. wow that board would scare loki! seriously. what a brave dog!

  6. Unfortunately, e can't watch videos with our current slow connection, but it looks to us like Bokeh is a natural when it comes to training!!!


  7. I'm with you Bokeh... I'll do ANYTHING fur Sringy Cheese. YUM. You did GRRRRREAT!!!

  8. Great job! BTW -- nope, nothing on my calendar for Valentines Day....

  9. Bokeh looks like he is off to a great start!! String cheese...yummy!! Lots of love, Holly and mom

  10. A young agility star is born!!! Bokeh looks so natural and he is a brave boy. I guess you have been teaching him a lot at home, Sagira!

  11. Those are great videos Bokeh! But I thought you already knew how to be a puppy!!!

  12. Bokeh seems to be following in his big sister's pawsteps!

  13. Neat! I have been wondering how Bokeh's class went! I am sure he is going to learn a lot there and in the right ways!

  14. WHAT A FANTASTIC PLACE TO DO PUPPY TRAINING, I love Linda M system, Jenn C is fantastic, so you would think they have to have excellent puppy training,and how fun, it looks like you got a super star in the making!

  15. Love the videos as always. Bokeh is such a big boy these days. It seems like you just brought the little fuzz ball home. It's going to be a busy summer for you!

    I hope your mom is doing better. I have had her on my mind. Send along my well wishes.


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