Monday, July 9, 2012

Skyhoundz Event

July 4th was the Skyhoundz event in Dublin, Ohio. They do this every year before the fireworks. This year had a large crowd because Joe Walsh from the Eagles was putting on a free concert as well. It was also about 100 degrees this day so we arrived a little later so we wouldn't be in the heat all day. Bokeh had a decent first round, he scored 8 points (leader of round 1 had 11 points). Bokeh had an AWESOME second round, he scored 12 points and him and Bazooka tied for top score per round. Overall when adding the Round 1 and Round 2 scores Bokeh came in....drum roll please..... SECOND place. Can you believe it? He only missed first place to a dog name Dugan by 1/2 a point. This is Bokeh's first time getting in the Top 3 against people who are in the professional divisions. So out of 21 dogs, Bokeh was 2nd place. Mom and dad are so proud of him.

Here are his videos (if you're only going to watch one, watch round 2 it is great and you can hear the crowd cheering. I think in round 1 video you can see the news station arrive and record him to).

Here is his Round 2 video

Dad and Bokeh with their trophy



  1. Congrats Bokeh, second place is pawsome. We are very proud of you.

  2. Bokeh you are terrific!! Way to go.

  3. Yeah Bokeh!!! That is pawsome....great job!

  4. Just pawsome Bokeh!! Just think how great you'll do in the next challenge! Number 1 all the way!



  5. Hey Bokeh!
    Wow, congrats on your big day! Your videos were great fun to watch. You sure make flying look easy! BOL. You should definitely get in Pip's discus event! Great job.
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  6. that's so cool!! clever Bokeh!!! We are thinking Rocky might be a good disc or flyball dog when he's old enough! He is obsessed with chasing balls and the like!


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