Friday, December 9, 2011

Frisbee Friday

So dad asked me to share this information with all of you. If you're not from the Ohio area you will probably not be interested.

Dad wrote: "Anyone interested in learning disc, Matt Bilderback will be hosting a Disc Seminar at Posidog on December 17th with assistance from yours truly!!

Stop on out and have fun with your dog and learn the fun game of Disc, or come out on your own, learn to throw and learn about the sport to see if its right for you and your Canine companion!!
Hope to see you there!!
... ...
More information, and registration can be found here:

Also, for my Facebook is that time to bug you again for a minute of your time to go vote for my sister Starr. She is in a contest and is now down to like 5th or 6th place :cries: We sure could use some votes and appreciate all of you that have voted for her and special thanks for Brian who even posted on his Facebook page for us. MUAH! You can vote for her HERE HERE HERE


  1. OH BOY... Mr. Jeremy is going to be a TEACHER??
    He is gonna have some VERY MUCH LUCKY pupils fur sure.

  2. That is so neat! I would love to teach Ellie but she doesn't understand frisbees. She will chase a ball for days, but throw a fribee and she chases, and then sniffs it as if to say "what is this thing and what am I supposed to do with it?"

  3. I don't think I could really catch a frisbee but it is fun watching you and Bokeh do it!

  4. I will have Mommy vote for Starr and I will tell Mommy to share it on her Facebook page.

    That is neat that you know Brian. He is Scylla's boyfriend. And one cool dude even if he is a CAT. I thinks I would like playing Frisbee, maybe Mommy will get me one for Christmas. ~Fenris

  5. Man I wish I was closer by 1000 miles. I would love to be taught how to play frizbee. My Vickie keeps telling me she will teach me. Jamie was a pro in her day, but I don't see it happening anyday soon as now it is getting really cold and I'll be lucky just to get my daily walks.

    Can't wait to see what you learn.


  6. Good Luck!! Good Luck!!


  7. I'll tell Rosie to do that. I'm just afraid that she might have her jetlag with her at the moment.


  8. Good luck! I know that you can do it!

    Dog Fence | It's all about Pets


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