Monday, December 13, 2010

Bokeh's first trip to the vet

So Saturday on our way home from the park we were super close to our vet's office. Mom called and asked if we could bring Bokeh in to have him weighed and just practice being at the vet without getting any shots so he will think the vet's office is a good place to go.

Bokeh checking in at the desk


Bokeh at the back getting weighed... He weighed in at 9.2 pounds


He did great at the vet's office. He wasn't scared at all and we had them give him lots of praise and goodies. Good job brother Bokeh!


  1. That is great! From now on it will be more fun to go....

  2. Great advanced planning.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  3. That's so sweet!!! Doesn't he look great!! Lots of love, Holly and mom

  4. Gee that is a grrrreat way to intro him to your... VET... BUTT (and I use that word TIGHTLY) he will be in fur a real shocker when he gets... the REAL Visit. I'm just sayin'. I've had it and I know.

  5. good stuff :) poor Arrow's first visits to the vet when we first got him were not pleasant ones at all, so he hates going now :(

  6. That's pretty smart stuff, I don't think I would have thought of that!

  7. Our dogs love the vet a lot. I hope Bokeh enjoyed his visit!

  8. Bokeh did very well and now he will feel familiar and comfortable when he HAS to go! Great idea!

  9. One of the many things we love about our vet is we can stop by anytime to weigh in or anything else routine. The dogs all look forward to going to visit and love the attention they get.

  10. Yay Bokeh! He will grow up to be a big handsome boy :)

  11. Excellent idea to get Bokeh used to going to the vet!

  12. That's what my mom weighed when she was hatched 51+ years ago!

    PeeEssWoo: Good plan fur Bokeh!

  13. I LOVEd doing that when my pups were small, but I did worry a little bit about doing that before they got their second parvo shot, we have a lot of parvo around here-and I know they do their best to keep things clean but most dogs with parvo end up there... and my SKyler picked up parvo from the vets before I got him, which is how he ended up needing a new home. We did go to the holistic vets because she rarely has any puppies much less sick puppies at her office, so we took Cricket there, and as soon as she got her second shot we visited the regular vets office.


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